Get the Right Approach
I hope you are ready to dive in again as we work our way through Paul's letter to the church at Corinth. We are going to get into chapter two this morning as we look at our approach to how we go about living life and faith.
Over the last two weeks, there has been a drastic display of just how divided our nation is. The sad part, at least from my perspective, is that those who are in power/control/governance don't want things to get better. From their perspective, divided is good.
Remember one thing, God is not the God of chaos or division. He is so against a division that he sent his One and Only, Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ that we might not be divided from him ever again.
It is our approach to spreading this message that is crucial if we are going to bring our family and friends with us to heaven. As we work through these verses today, Paul wanted the Holy Spirit to demonstrate his power in and on the lives of the Corinthians. When it's all about God, it's all about good.