REGATHERING • 3 SERVICES: 8:00A, 9:30A, & 11:00A

Our Growth in Real Wisdom

Oct 14, 2019    Shawn Brewer    1 Corinthians 2:6-9

Did you get up this morning thinking, I wonder what God might have for me as I gather with my family to worship His name? Most of us probably don't come thinking in this way. Our faith is a part of who we are and what we do. But, does that mean that God doesn't desire to do something fresh in our lives each time we gather together?
As a church family, we firmly believe that God absolutely wants to be fresh and new in our lives each and every day. And today is your day!
We are going to continue to look through Paul's letter to the church at Corinth. God wanted to do something fresh and new in their lives. God used the Apostle Paul to write them a letter sharing with them the truths of renewal. As we study this morning, look for just how God wants to grow you in your wisdom and realize that today is a good day.