REGATHERING • 3 SERVICES: 8:00A, 9:30A, & 11:00A

What's Your Story?

Oct 27, 2019    Shawn Brewer    Psalms 119:79-80

We will finish up our series this morning focusing on “That They May Know…” We have challenged ourselves, or at least I hope we have challenged ourselves, to find our “they” and then find a way.
This morning, we are going to examine the biblical model, which is really pretty simple. What’s your story? This whole idea, the birth of the Church, the growth throughout all of history, has been predicated off of this simple model. The model is, “This is who Jesus is, this is what He has done for me, and this is how it has made a difference in my life.”
Part of our finding a way is refining our part of the story. We often hear the statement, “God is writing your story.” God is writing His story and you and I are a part of that story.
Engage today as we gather for corporate worship. Listen to the words of the Bible and how God has included each of us in this plan. Hone your part of His story into a re-tellable testimony of who The God of the Bible really is.
Thanks for being here. I so look forward to corporate worship with you and our church family. God is good and this is His day. I’m glad to be a part of it with you.