REGATHERING • 3 SERVICES: 8:00A, 9:30A, & 11:00A

Marriage, Hmmm... Part 3

Mar 10, 2019    Shawn Brewer    1 Corinthians 7:12-14

We are going to take our third look at the principles for a godly marriage in Paul's words to the church at Corinth. They had asked these specific questions so Paul works through a direct response to what they are seeking to know.
In their questions, it was as if they were seeking to find some loophole for how to avoid or get out of what they perceived to be a bad relationship. The principles that Paul works through are based upon the very words of God and more specifically, the words of Christ as he walked this earth.
I know that often in my life, there have been many times where I cried out, yeah, but what about in this case? Many of those times have been my attempts to get out of a circumstance or a situation where I knew what the right answer was and where pursuing the right answer was going to create a situation where I would have to swallow my pride.
That is what I love about the Word of God. The Bible doesn't leave much wiggle room. The Word of God is pretty cut and dry. The Bible says what it says and means what it means. I hope that the Holy Spirit is using the words that we are studying to speak Holy Spirit truth into your homes, your marriages, and the way that we speak into the future generations about adopting the standards of God as the absolute for our lives.
I am looking forward to this morning as we continue in Paul's letter to people just like us.