Don't Count Your Reps, Make Your Reps Count
Have you ever felt like you were just going through the motions? Maybe in a relationship, maybe in your job, or even more likely, in your faith? Don’t worry, it’s not unique to you. We all have those moments where it seems like we are on cruise control, but not because we are in a good place. These moments can be really discouraging for believers.
As we continue looking at going deeper in our personal relationship with God the Father, through the Son, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we are going to take a look at what Paul wrote to the church at Corinth. It is a very familiar passage for us as a body of believers. This morning, we are going to look at its application, especially as it concerns the manner in which we seek to study in our faith.
Remember, methods are many and principles are few, methods often change, principles never do. Paul laid out a principle that applies to all believers. When it comes to going deeper in my personal walk, I have to bring intentionality to my daily time in the word. If I am going to grow, I have to bring discipline, especially in the area of prayer, to my daily walk. And ultimately, I have to realize the purpose, to spread the wealth to others.
It was once said, “if you want to learn something better, sign up to teach it.” Our personal faith should drive us to tell others that they may know our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am looking forward to sharing with you as we study the word of God together. We are glad you are here.