REGATHERING • 3 SERVICES: 8:00A, 9:30A, & 11:00A


When: Friday, February 28 - Saturday, March 1
Time: 7 pm (2/28) - 8 pm (3/1) • Doors open at 6:30 pm
Where: Main Worship Center

Childcare for babies through 5th grade (limited spots available) will be in the VKids hall on March 1 from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm! We will not provide lunch, but we will have snacks and fun activities. Please know your children are welcome any time during the 25-hour live stream in the Worship Center.

Caffeination Station will be set up from 6-10 pm on the 28th and 7-10 am on the 1st! Drip coffee is free, and specialty coffee can be purchased for $5.

streaming SCHEDULE

At Gather25, there will be seven core sessions across continents -
the United States, New Zealand, Malaysia, Romania, Rwanda, United Kingdom, Peru, and the Persecuted Church!

Visit the official Gather25 website for the full broadcast schedule!
This event is FREE, but we ask that you RSVP for a couple of important reasons: to help us determine the food count for Saturday's meals and to reserve childcare.

With your RSVP, you will be given free breakfast and dinner on Saturday. Food trucks will be available on Saturday for lunch at your expense. Please reserve childcare on your RSVP.