sunday SERVICES | 9:30am & 11:00am
We would love to get you connected here at VLC! If you’re a newcomer, head to the lobby after the service on Sunday and stop by the welcome table. We would love to meet you, answer any questions, give you and your family a gift and invite you to The Gate, a ministry specifically designed to help you connect to Victory Life.
If we can answer any questions prior to your first visit, please contact us.
If we can answer any questions prior to your first visit, please contact us.

Good Friday | 7 pm
This year we want to invite you to a special Good Friday service on April 18th at 7 pm as we focus our hearts of the weight of what Jesus did for us on the cross.
Easter Sunday | 8, 9:30, & 11 am
Then, prepare to worship the risen King as we celebrate Easter Sunday morning! Join us for one of our three worship services. No groups will be meeting that Sunday. However, we’ll have classes for babies through Pre-K during the 9:30 and 11:00 AM services. Kids in kindergarten and older will join you in worship. Mark your calendar, bring your friends and family, and let’s celebrate the risen King together!
What's new?
Think of the VLC app as a virtual bulletin - it has everything you need in the palm of your hands. Listen to previous sermons, register for events, check-in to VKids, give online, read the Bible, and more. Download the app; available for both iPhone and Android devices.

What's new?
Think of the VLC app as a virtual bulletin - it has everything you need in the palm of your hands. Listen to previous sermons, register for events, check-in to VKids, give online, read the Bible, and more. Download the app; available for both iPhone and Android devices.